To every brain there is a season
Right now, we’re looking for good news wherever we can find it, and
we’re happy to report that the brain functions better in summer and fall
than in winter and spring! Between the summer and winter solstices, we
collectively perform at a higher level on cognitive measurements,
particularly working memory and speed of perception. Working memory
refers to our ability to temporarily store information that we’ll
shortly make use of, and processing speed determines how quickly you
understand and react to information you receive.
Between the summer and winter solstices, we collectively perform at a higher level on cognitive measurements.
vacationing and other activities are still limited in most places,
consider harnessing your amplified brain power to accomplish new
projects over the next couple of months. (Of course, our friends in the
Southern Hemisphere will get a bit more planning time in before
embarking on their summer projects….)
In the meantime, learn more
about how the seasons affect cognition, mood, and even influence
medical diagnoses in our new blog post.